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Gifu flower horn fish Tanning Lights placements???

+60 12 335 1568

Gifu flower horn fish Tanning Lights placements???


flower horn fish Tanning Lights placements???

Hi all, currently my XB is about 15" in 5ft x 2ft x 2.5ft...equipped with 4ft Arcadia Tanning light, thinking where will be the best place to put the tanning light???
Example; Top, Middle, bottom????
Advises seniors???
bottom - very difficult to place, fish may disturb/topple light. tanning effect not significant
middle - hanging outside the tank disrupts fish viewing. best tanning effect
top - easiest to place but tanning only top of aro. Gua Musang Aquarium

super r1se 蓄能季


silver light

recommendation / HOT PRODUCT