Talk about small fish with red lightsI believe that many fish friends have seen some videos, and it is also possible to think about why it is necessary to use red lights (especially small fish).2.Red light is conducive to excitement, such as the use of red light inside, so red light can be active in the darkness of biological nerves.This fish is only better than the situation.
4.Some fish farms are not red enough, here is an example (small sound BB): a famous fisheries produced red dragon in the big fins, but in fact, most fish produced by the fisheries are not ideal.However, it is not possible to have a colorful strength of the big fins, this situation is used with a red light.
<img src=" />In the end, what is the usual fish friends choose a lamp?
Mid-bell fish can use red lanterns, but for ornamental reasons can be carried out in the white light of the market, this is not a brand, the big fish is recommended to recommend white light, NEC or Philips series is very good.selectgolden star纸twinksboysOrnamental fish feed tank^Ornamental fish feed wholesale%Fish feed formula additives#Ornamental fish feed brand%What feed do silver anchovies eat" table="" target="_blank" href="" formula*