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2nd Shrimp Tank

Author: Time:2021-12-0133 second

Information summary:  Hi Bros, Sharing my experience of setting up my 2nd shrimp tank. Tank size: 60 x 30 x 36. Chiller: Hailea 1/4 Canister: Eheim Pro 3 - 2073 Media: Mixture of...., star platinum, fishprice, Breeding Consortium - Has this been trie, rec center a.2nd Shrimp Tank

  Hi Bros,
Sharing my experience of setting up my 2nd shrimp tank.
Tank size: 60 x 30 x 36.
Chiller: Hailea 1/4
Canister: Eheim Pro 3 - 2073
Media: Mixture of BH+/BH.
Added Media to the canister
Connected Chiller, Canister and everything together prior to setting up
Started to prepare my carpet plant (Hairgrass)
Prior to adding of ADA soil!
Added one layer of Soil and even it out using cut-bottle.
Added layer of old sea mud
cover a thick layer, Then bt9
repeat until finished, next up planting.
cut to the chase.. after planting, time to add water. Decided to use the ada plastic as a cushion for the adding of water
More pics to follow up currently cycling.. 2 ft light yet to come in to lfs so have to wait..
Cant add more than 10 image so quite cut to the point..
Comments welcomed
Some other pics..
Layering of BT9/Old sea mud in ADA soil
Filling up the tank in action
>wow... nice to see new setup... tap water?
>Yes bro, tap water first. If really need to adjust parameters after cycling period prior to adding shrimp then see what can be done
>From the pics and hard work this tank is going to be a success story. Well done bro.
1/4 chiller for 2ft tank? Huge chiller. What is the flow rate of your canister?
>Originally Posted by SY123 From the pics and hard work this tank is going to be a success story. Well done bro.
1/4 chiller for 2ft tank? Huge chiller. What is the flow rate of your canister? Thanks bro.. anyone can do it la.. ai mai nia.
yep actually testing out 1/4 chiller(power consumption/chilling time) if its economically cheaper than using a 1/10 chiller(already using for another tank)
Canister flow rate 1050l/h.. outlet is 16mm.. wave is strong and no still water.. thinking to change to spin outflow if the shrimps cannot take it next time. lol
>Swee bro make me excited. Like the 1.5 wide base. Thinking to setup cabinet tank but space constraint so hestiated to start. If i do on my 4x1x1 tank then later also got to decomm. Probably youre right do it now and worry later. Do you use rodi? Where to get sea mud/bt9? Is it a must for soil? How much soil you use (a bag or more)? Sorry for many questions, haha. Installing di system seems more economic?
>Bro lai start new tank la haha. I dont use rodi. Bt9 and sea mud I get from fishy biz at sim ave there. I would prefer to use soil.. But as to whether a must I not sure cos I do see some ppl not using it. Actually my tank only 1ft in width - to fill up with some depth for plant just a 9l bag of Ada Amazonia can Liao.. Di system actually depends from individual to individual.. My first tank I just use tap water so far so good.
>Thanks for reply. I see then i may need 1.5 bag of soil.
>2 weeks into cycling. Just tested for TDS. 89ppm - normal.
Decided to rescape adding glosso. took out most of the water then replant again.
Hairgrass background Glosso foreground.
Will post another pic once water clear up later
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